10 Best Free Online Digital Libraries
Do you want to read and download ebooks for free online ?, if yes, so You are in the right place, in this article will liste the Best Free Online Libraries, that you can read and download ebooks for free online, we have listed the most trusted websites.
Top 10 Software
What is the Best Free Online Digital Librarie ?
We have listed for you below the best Platform to Download and Read Books Online for Free, You will find books in different discipline
1. Open Library

If you want to Download or read books online for free, we have selected for you Open Library, it is an online project intended to create “one web page for every book ever published”. Created by Aaron Swartz, Brewster Kahle, Alexis Rossi, Anand Chitipothu, and Rebecca Malamud.
Open Library is a project of the Internet Archive, a nonprofit organization. It has been funded in part by grants from the California State Library and the Kahle/Austin Foundation. Open Library provides online digital copies in multiple formats, created from images of many public domain, out-of-print, and in-print books. (Source wikipedia.org)
Its book information is collected from the Library of Congress, other libraries, and Amazon.com, as well as from user contributions through a wiki-like interface. If books are available in digital form, a button labeled “Read” appears next to its catalog listing. Digital copies of the contents of each scanned book are distributed as encrypted e-books.
2. ReadPrint

ReadPrint is one of the Best Free Online Digital Libraries that offers thousands of free books for students, teachers, and the classic enthusiast. It’s a great resource for anyone looking to read literary works without having to pay or download files. You will find in the library over 8,000 online books by 3,500 famous authors in the library.
3. Manybooks

ManyBooks where to read books for free, ManyBooks was established in 2004 with the vision to provide an extensive library of books in digital format for free on the Internet. Many of the early eBooks are from the Project Gutenberg archives, which means you will be able to find a lot of classics on the site.
ManyBooks has grown into a platform where self-publishing authors have the opportunity to introduce their work to the community and new books are uploaded to ManyBooks site daily – provided they comply to ManyBooks quality standards.
4. OverDrive

Steve Potash founded OverDrive in 1986. As the possibilities of the internet and digital books evolved through the 1990s, we refocused our mission. OverDrive launched our content distribution service in 2000, and since that time, our reach has rapidly expanded. Along with the industry’s leading digital reading platform, OverDrive now offers the largest digital content catalog in the world to more than 81,000 libraries and schools in 106 countries and the highest-rated apps that are built to create reading happiness.
Through the years, we’ve learned from our successes and challenges, and, most importantly, from our partners. Account by account, we’ve established long-term, trusted relationships with publisher, library and school partners around the world. From the beginning, it has been equally important to align with the mission of our global network to support communities with passion and collaboration while championing reading literacy. As we continue to reach for new goals, OverDrive’s vision, mission, core beliefs and values remind us of who we are as a company and what we strive for each day: A World Enlightened by Reading. Source: overdrive.com
5. Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks: Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world’s great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the eBooks, for you to enjoy.
The Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation (PGLAF) is the non-profit corporation that oversees operation of Project Gutenberg and receives and processes donations to Project Gutenberg. It also receives and processes payments for the “Project Gutenberg” trademark. Day-to-day operation of the Project Gutenberg website, support, and content is by volunteers.
PGLAF Mission
- Preserve literary and other intellectual works, and
- Make copies of or products based on those works available free of charge or at the lowest possible cost to the people of the United States and the rest of the world. (Adapted from the Articles of Incorporation)
6. Internet Archive

Internet Archive one of the best free virtual library for students, it is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
The Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, people with print disabilities, and the general public. Our mission is to provide Universal Access to All Knowledge.
We began in 1996 by archiving the Internet itself, a medium that was just beginning to grow in use. Like newspapers, the content published on the web was ephemeral – but unlike newspapers, no one was saving it. Today we have 25+ years of web history accessible through the Wayback Machine and we work with 950+ library and other partners through our Archive-It program to identify important web pages.
As our web archive grew, so did our commitment to providing digital versions of other published works. Today our archive contains:
- 625 billion web pages
- 38 million books and texts
- 14 million audio recordings (including 240,000 live concerts)
- 7 million videos (including 2 million Television News programs)
- 4 million images
- 790,000 software programs
Anyone with a free account can upload media to the Internet Archive. We work with thousands of partners globally to save copies of their work into special collections.
Because we are a library, we pay special attention to books. Not everyone has access to a public or academic library with a good collection, so to provide universal access we need to provide digital versions of books. We began a program to digitize books in 2005 and today we scan 4,000 books per day in 18 locations around the world. Books published prior to 1927 are available for download, and hundreds of thousands of modern books can be borrowed through our Open Library site. One of the Internet Archive’s missions is to serve people who have difficulty interacting with physical books, so most of our digitized books are available to people with print disabilities.
7. Google Books

Google books : One of the biggest free online library with Google books you Search the full text of books Find the perfect book for your purposes and discover new ones that interest you.
Book Search works just like web search. Try a search on Google Books or on Google.com. When we find a book with content that contains a match for your search terms, we’ll link to it in your search results.
If the book is out of copyright, or the publisher has given us permission, you’ll be able to see a preview of the book, and in some cases the entire text. If it’s in the public domain, you’re free to download a PDF copy.
If you find a book you like, click on the “Buy this book” and “Borrow this book” links to see where you can buy or borrow the print book. You can now also buy the ebook from the Google Play Store.
8. Wiley Online Library

For over 200 years Wiley Online Library have been helping people and organizations develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. Wiley Online Library is good alternative for Z-Library, They develop digital education, learning, assessment, and certification solutions to help universities, businesses, and individuals move between education and employment and achieve their ambitions. By partnering with learned societies, Wiley Online Library supports researchers to communicate discoveries that make a difference. Wiley’s online scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals, books, and other digital content build on a 200-year heritage of quality publishing. The plateform gives you the ability of reding books in pdf free and download them in your computer.
9. Digital Public Library of America

The Digital Public Library of America empowers people to learn, grow, and contribute to a diverse and better-functioning society by maximizing access to our shared history, culture, and knowledge.
The Digital Public Library of America amplifies the value of libraries and cultural organizations as Americans’ most trusted sources of shared knowledge. by collaborating with partners to accelerate innovative tools and ideas that empower and equip libraries to make information more accessible.
Digital Public Library of America work with a national network of partners to:
- Make millions of materials from libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural institutions across the country available to all in a one-stop discovery experience.
- Provide a library-controlled marketplace and platform for libraries to purchase, organize, and deliver ebooks and other e-content to their patrons.
- Convene library leaders and practitioners to explore and advance technologies that serve, inform, and empower their communities.
10. National Digital Library of India

National Digital Library of India (NDLI) is a virtual repository of learning resources which is not just a repository with search/browse facilities but provides a host of services for the learner community. It is sponsored and mentored by Ministry of Education, Government of India, through its National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT).
Filtered and federated searching is employed to facilitate focused searching so that learners can find the right resource with least effort and in minimum time.
NDLI provides user group-specific services such as Examination Preparatory for School and College students and job aspirants. Services for Researchers and general learners are also provided. NDLI is designed to hold content of any language and provides interface support for 10 most widely used Indian languages. It is built to provide support for all academic levels including researchers and life-long learners, all disciplines, all popular forms of access devices and differently-abled learners.
It is designed to enable people to learn and prepare from best practices from all over the world and to facilitate researchers to perform inter-linked exploration from multiple sources. It is developed, operated and maintained from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.