Sales ManagementSoftware

10 Best Lead to Account Matching and Routing Software

Lead to Account Matching and Routing Software is a software that helps salespeople find the right lead after matching it with the correct account in a CRM. The software uses data from CRM, marketing automation and lead generation systems. It analyzes the company’s data and finds accounts that are a good fit for the potential customer’s needs.The software creates a lead generation report and then routes qualified leads to appropriate sales teams to further develop the opportunity. This process helps sales leaders to meet the customer’s needs and increase conversion rates .In this article you will find the best lead to account matching and routing software that can boost your productivity .

List of the Best Lead to Account Matching and Routing Software:

1. Leandata


Leandata is a data provider for the financial industry. It provides high-quality data to support investment decisions of its clients.It offers a wide range of products and services, including data feeds, analytical tools, reports, and indices. The platform products are used by more than 2,000 institutional investors across the world including SnowFlake , VM Ware , SalesLoft and more .It is headquartered in London with offices in New York City and Singapore.

If you’re looking for lead to account matching , Leandata is one of the best solutions for you , thanks to it’s Revenue Orchestration Platform powered by no code automation, it offers the best coordination for plays , people and processes to turn all buyer signals into buying decisions . The platform helps you shrink lead response time by 90% and increase win rates by 10% and gives you the key to simplify your buyer journeys by providing :

  • Route leads and accelerate lead response time with fuzzy matching capabilities.
  • Simplify complex route flows .
  • Perfect coordination for buyer signals .
  • Match every lead to the correct account with 95% lead-to-account matching accuracy.
  • Visualize buying signals across every account with a clear view of account engagement .
  • Empower prospects to instantly book their preferred meeting time thanks to Leandata Bookit.

2. Chili piper


Chili Piper is one of the leading companies that deals with lead to account operations , trusted by the world’s fastest growning B2B teams like Workplace , Shopify , SalesLoft , Gong , Monday and PandaDoc , this platform offers a powerful scheduling system and a great routing software that helps sales teams to book and route with prospects as soon as they express interest in a meeting . This helps sales teams to increase their revenue and boost their productivity by optimizing their inbound process without sacrificing engagement .

3. Zoominfo OperationsOS

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Zoominfo OperationsOS offers sales teams high performance B2B commercial data that can accelerate your business and boost your teams productivity . Its powerful Ai system identifies customers across channelsand infuse your CRM with the most accurate and actionalbe data .The platforme offers an automated data orchestration that helps you route data , cleanse and enrich from multiple vendors .In addition , you can integrate their comprehensive and ennovative technology and data base rich of firmografics and technografics with your existing platform .Furthermor , OperationsOS provides B2B teams with a comprehensive searsh , enrich and subscriptions APIs for your business.

4. SugarCRM

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SugarCRM is a customer relationship management (CRM) software company founded in 2002 and headquartered in San Francisco, California. The company provides CRM solutions to small and large companies, including both on-premises and cloud-based services. SugarCRM offers a variety of CRM solutions for different industries and organizational sizes, including: Sugar Professional Edition, Sugar Enterprise Edition, Sugar Unlimited Edition, Sugar Cloud Edition and Sugar Free Edition.

The company’s customers include the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom, Toyota Motor Corporation in Japan, the European Space Agency in France and Australia’s Queensland University of Technology.

The platform offers an effective marketing automation with reliable lead qualification and prioritization based on actual engagement and its measured contribution to conversion that helps B2B teams get rid of all the guess work and let the Artificial intelligence do tha hard work , which allows them to focus more on closing deals .

5. Lanefour highroad


Lanefour highroad is one of the biggest platforms that offers mass convert leads in salesforce , it helps B2B teams with all the process bottlnecks quickly and accurately no matter how big their inbound volume is which saves so much time for them . Lanefour highroad match leads to your account salesforce helping you make decisions based on key account  data and existing relationships . It organizes your inbound data and leads lists and matches inbound leads to their account owners .

The platform is used and trusted by Clickup , Samsara , SurveyMonkey , Loom and more .

6. Openprisetech


Openprisetech is a no-codecode platform that automates all the critical go-to-market RevOps processes wich depend hundreds of huge companies such as Conversica, Equinix , Bigod , Armanino, Fisher, and others. This platform helps to improve sales teams’ productivity and revenues by offering :

  • Data cleansing automation, which helps you organize your work and get rid of all the duplicate information, and match leads to accounts.
  • Marketing automation, which helps you generate more pipelines by onboarding data automatically and determining company attribution.
  • Sales automation, that helps you boost your revenue thanks to its routing system and territory plans.

7. Terminus

The Terminus Engagement Hub provides sales teams with the necessary data to reach more customers with the necessary channels for the engagement with the possibility to coordinate multichannel complains. .Using its data studio , the platform provides sales teams with firmografic , Psychographic , Relationship , Behavioral and engagement data that helps you build the foundation of your pipeline and revenue strategy . Its measurement studio gives you analyzation about the real impact of your go-to-market activities with a user-friendly analytics that are easy to read and gives you a wider observance on your results .

8. is one of the biggest automation platforms that deals with Lead to Account Matching and Routing, it’s a low-code platform that helps B2B teams build ETL flows much faster than some other alternatives giving them complete control to extract, combine, transform, denormalize, aggregate, and load any data all in one platform with a user-friendly design., unlike legacy ETL tools, can process a large volume of data using pagination and batches which saves time for the team to focus on the real work. All the data is highly secured and encrypted allowing you to extract data and load your data warehouse with total confidence.

9. Syncari

Syncari is a complete data platform for RevOps automation. It is a no-code platform that simplifies GTM alignment by offering data synchronization, management, analytics, and orchestration. This API-based connector takes data from the best business systems and  helps manage the impact of data and schema changes across your GTM stack. It is so simple to configure allowing your team to focus on making more revenue for your company. It helps orchestrate full-funnel processes by delivering coordinated customer experiences by confirming key signals are identified and activated across teams.

Conga, Dooly, Chargebee, Industrial Scientific,, Hyland, and more famous companies use Syncari and its amazing services to improve their results.

10. Traction complete

Traction complete is also a great solution for you if you are looking for lead to account matching This platform takes care of all the work that slows you down and gives you a better organized data thanks to its powerful ai system. The platform offers a lead response dashboard with unlimited assignment possibilities and an advanced round-robin that helps speed up your work and make more sellings with less effort. It also gets rid of all the duplicated data and ensures it’s always ready for the report. In addition, its automated account hierarchies help you focus more on your biggest customers and prioritize the most important deals which help your company accelerate its growth.


Lead to Account Matching and Routing Software makes sure that a salesperson has the right information on hand before they engage with a new prospect.This software can also be used by sales teams that have multiple account executives working on one product line or service. Lead routing technology can help them prioritize which accounts should be worked on first, and which are waiting for follow-up calls. that’s why using it is one of the keys to Success.

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